08:03 - 15 January News
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What exactly is responsible parenthood? What criteria does responsible parenthood include? What should parents know about it? The main goal of this project is to find answers to these and many other questions, to give knowledge and understanding to young people about creating a healthy family, to achieve stable birth rates, voluntary family planning, to prevent hereditary and disabled births.

Today, within the framework of the project, criteria and levels of responsible parenthood, as well as the “Gold Standard of a Happy Family” have been developed. The training manual "Responsible Parenthood" has been prepared and published in 10,000 copies, 2 social videos aimed at increasing parental responsibility, 1 booklet, 6 video lessons and 15 handouts were created.

In addition, the project will organize trainings in preschool, secondary and higher educational institutions, organizations and enterprises in which it be popularized among 9.3 million women of reproductive age. For the convenience of the population, electronic platform “Responsible Parenthood” and mobile application have been created, where video lessons, presentations, videos and podcasts on the topics of the responsible parenthood program will be posted.

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