The cooperation was established between Scientific research institute "Makhalla and Family" under the ministry of support of makhalla and family of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republican social-information center "ISTIQBOLLI AVLOD" MEMORANDUM on December 30, 2020
The memorandum was signed by the director of the Scientific research institute "Makhalla and Family" N.M. Egamberdieva and by the chairman of the Scientific research institute "Makhalla and Family" and Republican social-information center "ISTIQBOLLI AVLOD" N.E.Karimov.
The main aims and objectives of both sides in the field of social cooperation
Organise the events which improve the legal literacy and legal culture of women and their families;
- Cooperation in order to improve the spiritual and moral environment in families which have troubles and problems, prevent the conflicts, strengthen family relationships, which may be the one of the factors which cause to contributing to human trafficking;
- Increasing the effectiveness of providing the assistance to unemployed women in finding a job who are in need and in a difficult social situation;
- In order to eliminate domestic violence, human trafficking, illegal migration Center and its regional branches has expanded the activity of "Current communication network" and participate in redirect the mechanism between organizations;
- Improve the mechanism of existing data in order to identify trafficking of human, migrants who faced some difficulties, victims of domestic violence and other target groups;
- expanding the opportunity of using appropriate types of assistance of human trafficking and domestic violence and
social-legal protection of victims and other violence forms, additionally, social and psychological support;
- organizing practical events based on interactive and innovative methods which are aimed for increasing the capacity of employees who are responsible for preventing human trafficking, illegal migration and domestic violence;
- Organize free clubs, trainings with the assistance of project, small, medium and other types of business structures in order to protect people who are victims of trafficking or socially vulnerable people;
- Participating in shows and programs dedicated to the prevention of human trafficking, illegal migration and domestic violence, protecting the interests of the family and family values, preparing guidelines and recommendations in this area, materials for social networks: posters, brochures, booklets, leaflets and social videos assists to interact with each other.