Department of "Editorial-Publishing and IT"

01:59 - 5 July 819

Department of Editorial-Publishing and IT Development (hereinafter referred to as the “Department”) was established based on approved structural composition in accordance the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 367 dated 10.06.2020 “On the organization of the activities of the research institute” Makhalla and family” under the Ministry for Support of Makhalla and Family”.

Based on the tasks assigned to Institute, the main purpose of the department is to promote the Institute in mass media of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including TV and radio, extensive coverage of activities of the Institute, advertise and publish the results of scientific research, inform the public, in addition, inform the public on the social activity increasing in strengthening of “makhalla and family” institutions.

The main priorities of the department are:

  • Extensive media coverage of the results of scientific research activities carried out by the Institute;
  • Development of official websites, as well as social media pages, publication of various types of promotional materials for the purpose of extensive coverage the activities of the Institute;
  • organizes publicity activities in mass media, including the official websites of the World Wide Web, social media to increase the sense of involvement and civic responsibility of the population in implementation of the system based on “Prosperous and Safe Makhalla” Concept;
  • preparation and implementation of practical proposals for the implementation of interdisciplinary fundamental, scientific and practical research and innovative projects, active use of modern information technology in targeted work with families;
  • preparation and implementation of practical proposals for the use of modern information technologies in sphere;
  • Recommendations for editing and publication of legal and regulatory documents (Charter, Instructions, plans, etc.) prepared by the Institute;
  • Editing and preparation for publication of information resources planned to be published at the Institute;
  • Preparation, editing, approval in the prescribed manner of information resources posted on the website of the Institute;
  • Development of information resources published at the Institute in form of electronic textbooks, manuals, guidelines, video lectures using modern information and communication technologies;
  • Performs a number of functions, such as technical support for conducting online scientific seminars, roundtable discussions and scientific and practical conferences on critical issues using information technology.

The functions of the department are:

  • Provides extensive media coverage of the results of scientific research sources carried out by the Institute;
  • Development of official websites, as well as social media pages, publishes various forms of promotional sources in order to cover the activities of the Institute;
  • Organizes publicity activities in mass media, including the Internet, official websites of the World Wide Web, social media to increase the sense of involvement and civic responsibility of the population in implementation of the system based on the “Prosperous and Safe Makhalla” Concept;
  • Develops and implements various publicity projects aimed at increasing of social activity in strength in family, public health, improvement of houses and streets, the upbringing of young people, employment, spirituality and enlightenment.
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