Department of "Family Demographic Development"

02:48 - 5 July 944

 Department of Demographic Development of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the establishment of the Research Institute "Mahalla and Family" under the Ministry of Mahalla and Family Support of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 10, 2020 established in accordance with Resolution No. 367, is an integral part of the Research Institute "Mahalla va oila".

The main purpose of the department is to study and analyze the level of demographic development and family welfare, as well as to prepare scientifically based proposals and analytical materials on conceptual areas.

The main tasks of the department are:

  • study, analysis of the level of demographic development of families and preparation of scientific proposals and analytical materials on conceptual areas;
  • scientific analysis of cases of early marriage and premature birth and development of practical recommendations for their prevention;
  • development of a scientific basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in families and the strengthening of reproductive health;
  • preparation of methodical recommendations on family and marriage, reproductive health to citizens' self-government bodies and the general public;
  • to study and analyze the regional characteristics of birth and reproductive tendencies in families and to prepare proposals for the activation of reproductive tendency management;
  • Development of analytical materials and science-based recommendations to reduce infant and maternal mortality, as well as mortality among working-age youth, improve public health and increase life expectancy;
  • Preparation of proposals to ensure sustainable socio-economic development, which will help reduce the scale of spontaneous and irrational migration.

The department operates in accordance with the regulations of the institute.

The main activities of the department are:

  • setting priorities for the work of the department, ensuring the implementation of the work plan of the department;
  • ensuring compliance with the instructions of the management of the Institute, the decisions of the Academic Council of the Institute and regulatory documents;
  • study, analyze the level of demographic development of families and prepare scientific proposals in conceptual areas;
  • scientific analysis of cases of early marriage and premature birth and development of practical recommendations for their prevention;
  • development of a scientific basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in families and the strengthening of reproductive health;
  • preparation of methodical recommendations on family and marriage, reproductive health to citizens' self-government bodies and the general public;
  • to study and analyze the regional characteristics of birth and reproductive tendencies in families and to prepare proposals for the activation of reproductive tendency management;
  • Development of analytical materials and science-based recommendations to reduce infant and maternal mortality, as well as mortality among working-age children, improve public health and increase life expectancy;
  • preparation of proposals to ensure sustainable socio-economic development, which will help reduce the scale of spontaneous and irrational migration.
  • preparation of analytical data and reports on the activity.

Interactive services (legal counseling, psychological counseling, counseling for adolescents, counseling for girls, library, survey): At the time of application, counseling for adolescents, girls, surveys are conducted.

Research (ongoing research, completed research): The department has 1 Doctor of Science (DSs) and 1 (PhD) Doctor of Philosophy working on research topics and research projects.

Documents (documents related to the field or links to them): Legal and regulatory documents related to the activities of the department are prepared in electronic form and stored in folders.

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