Department of "Family Law and Gender Equality"

02:59 - 5 July 1516

Department of Family Law and Gender Equality (hereinafter referred to as "Department")was established based on the approved structure in accordance with the Resolution No. 367 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On establishment of the Scientific-Research Institute "MakhallavaOila" under the Ministry of Makhalla and Family Support dated June 10, 2020.

The department is an integral part of the institute and conducts fundamental, scientific, practical and innovative research in the field of family law and gender equality.

The main purpose of the department is to support the makhalla and the family, the priority strategic and social goals of public policy to support the makhalla and the family, to develop analytical materials and scientifically based proposals for the improvement of normative and legal documents on the subject of family law and gender equality based on the idea of  "Healthy family - healthy society", to implement the priorities of the Ministry of Makhalla and Family Support to improve the regulatory framework in this area, as well asto organize scientific-theoretical, methodological and information-analytical research processes.

The main priority tasks of the department are:

  • to improve the legislation on family law and gender equality, to optimize the mechanisms of interagency cooperation and social partnership in the system of protection of family laws;
  • to provide targeted services in the practice of specialists of social protection system of family law and its interests and to introduce innovative approaches to the promotion of gender equality in the family;
  •  conduct scientific and research work to raise public awareness of gender equality and family and women's rights;
  • to develop science-based innovative technologies in the provision of targeted legal, informational and educational assistance to families in need of social assistance in the makhalla, in conducting social and legal work;
  • to develop science-based recommendations for improving the system of protection of the rights of convicts in the process of divorce and sale of property;
  • to develop science-based recommendations for timely identifying of women's and men's problems,improving the system of social and legal assistance to women and men in need and in difficult social situations, including women and men with disabilities;
  • to study the problems of migrant family members and provide methodological and legal assistance in resolving them, to make recommendations to the relevant agencies;
  • to develop a set of recommendations for legal assistance in resolving family disputes;
  • to create a scientific environment for the development of family law and gender equality among young scientists;
  • to study the experience of international scientific organizations on family law and gender equality and to promote local experience at the international level;
  • to create an information model (electronic library) of the system of protection of family law and promotion of gender equality;

The functions of the department are as follows:

1.    Carrying out scientific-research work in the field of creating equal rights and opportunities for women and men in the family, creating scientific and theoretical mechanisms for gender equality in families, creating a scientific and methodological framework to increase legal literacy to ensure gender equality in families and makhallas;

2.    Scientific and theoretical development of the content of the "Eastern Gender Equality" (concept, program, methodology);

3.    Developing analytical materials and scientifically based proposals to improve the normative and legal documents aimed at supporting the makhalla and the family, implementing the idea of "Healthy family - healthy society", conducting research on the priorities of the Ministry of Makhalla and Family Support to improve the regulatory framework in this area;

4.    Participating in the development of laws and regulations related to the activities of citizens' self-government bodies;

5.    Conducting research on problems of persecution and violence against women, protection orders, family and domestic crime;

6.    Carrying out scientific and theoretical researches and development of methodical recommendations on increase of legal literacy, formation of legal culture, legaloutlookof families;

7.    Organizing scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, meetings on current scientific issues in the field of family law and gender equality, as well as training highly qualified scientific personnel in this field, continuous professional development of researchers;

8.    Wide coverage of the results of scientific research in the media, including television, radio and the Internet, popularization of scientific views and approaches, new innovative methods, tools and ways of working with the public on family law and gender equality, and participation in increasing social activity in strengthening makhalla and family institutions, ensuring coverage of the department's activities on the institute's website and the Internet, as well as in the media.

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