Department of "Professional Development of Researchers"

02:54 - 5 July 857

Department of Professional Development of Researcherswas established within the organizational department of the Scientific-Research Institute "MakhallavaOila" under the Ministry of Makhalla and Family Support of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the basis of the Scientific and Practical Research Center "Oila" under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republican Training Center "MakhallaZiyosi"by Decree No. PF-5938 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan"On measures to improve the social and spiritual environment in society, further support the makhallainstitution and bring the system of work with families and women to a new level" dated February 18, 2020.

The main tasks of the department are as follows:

  • Organizingscientific-practical conferences, seminars, meetings at the institute on current scientific problems in the field of makhalla and family support, as well as training highly qualified scientific personnel in this field, continuous professional development of researchers;
  • Definingthe procedure for training highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through postgraduate education, ie basic doctorate, doctorate and independent research, the rights and obligations of researchers, supervisors (consultants) and the university; involving and directing employees in scientific-research and innovation-creative activities, coordinating the work carried out in the departments in this area.
  • Involvingresearchers in scientific-research and innovation-creative activities;
  • Monitoring the organization of scientific internships, foreign scientific trips on the basis of international scientific cooperation to improve the professional level of researchers of the institute;
  • The department performs the following functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:
  • Organizingscientific seminars, round tables on current issues of bringing the system of work with families and women in the makhallas to a new level, increasing the social activity of the elderly people, strengthening the role and status of citizens' self-government bodies in making the regions crime-free;
  • Organization oftraining of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel through postgraduate education, iedoctorate, basic doctorateand independent research;
  • Organization of scientific seminars, scientific-practical conferences, meetings on such topics as the introduction of a system based on the principle of "Prosperous and safe makhalla", the priorities for strengthening the system of work with everyday problems in the makhalla;
  • Development of analytical materials and scientifically based proposals on the results of the activities;
  • Introducing a system of training highly qualified researchers in the field of makhalla and family support at the institute, continuous professional development of researchers.
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