Department of "Strengthening family values and Family Psychology"

02:20 - 5 July 7259

The Department of family values strengthening and Family Psychology was established in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 367 of June 10, 2020 on the establishment of the research institute “neighborhood and family” under the Ministry of neighborhood and family support. The department is a structural subdivision of this institute and conducts fundamental, scientific-practical and innovative research in the field of strengthening family values and Family Psychology in its activities.

The main purpose of the department is to introduce the priority strategic and social objectives of state policy on neighborhood and family support, the idea of “healthy family-healthy society” to life, in particular strengthening family values and the creation of scientific-theoretical, methodological and information — analytical research processes in the field of Family Psychology.

The main priority tasks of the department are as follows:

1. To study, analyze and develop proposals for the Prevention of situations that adversely affect the socio-spiritual environment in neighborhoods and families;

2. Scientific study of the position of the family in the maintenance of peace and stability in society, ensuring the stability of families in the establishment of the “prosperous and safe neighborhood” system, Prevention of family divorces and early marriages, increasing the responsibility of the family for the upbringing of children, strengthening family values, scientific study of the position of the family in maintaining peace and;

3. Scientific research on the issues of establishing healthy relations between spouses, parents and children, spouses and their parents, ensuring mutual responsibility for the maintenance of family and marriage, improving the moral and moral environment in troubled and troubled families, preventing conflict and conflict situations, strengthening family relations;

4. Conducting fundamental research on strengthening spiritual and moral values in neighborhoods and families on the basis of analysis of universal and national-spiritual family values, advanced foreign experience, creating the” modern exemplary family " model;

5. Scientific-theoretical study of the preparation of young people for family life, the psychological basis for solving conflict situations in the family, the problems of psychological moderation of the family, in particular the causes of the occurrence of suicidal situations;

6. Scientific, scientific-practical regional, Republican and international conferences, seminars, meetings, forums, festivities, including webinars and internet spaces, development and implementation of innovative projects and programs, creation of ICT-based educational provision, training of highly qualified scientific personnel, as well as regular increase of scientific and professional competences of scientific personnel, to ensure that they are competitive specialists, to organize professional development activities.

The functions of the department are as follows:

The department carries out the following functions in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

1. Ensuring a healthy and stable socio-spiritual environment in neighborhoods and families, ensuring peace, harmony and tranquility, developing scientific bases for strengthening universal and national values, including family values;

2. Strengthening family values in the society, arming the family with the methods of Psychological Services, effective introduction of new values in the” prosperous and safe neighborhood " system, participation in the formation of priority directions in the field of strengthening neighborhood and family institutions, implementation of fundamental, scientific-practical research and innovative projects in science, publication of research, methodological manuals, brochures and other educational, methodological and;

3. Formation of scientific and methodological bases of development of conceptions, target, sectoral and regional programs aimed at strengthening neighborhood and family institutions, support of women and the elderly, as well as increasing social activity;

4. The department carries out cooperation with educational and research institutions, state and non-governmental organizations of the Republic in the areas of its activities, establish international relations with advanced research institutions of foreign countries, ensure their permanent and regular existence and development of relations;

5. Broad coverage of the results of scientific research in the media, including television, radio and Internet world Information Network, popularization of scientific views and approaches, new innovative methods, means and ways of working with the public, participation in increasing the social activity of the population in the strengthening of neighborhood and family institutions, ensuring the coverage of the activities of the Department on the

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