Department of "International relations"

02:45 - 5 July 1013

International relations Department"

The Department of international relations was established in accordance with the approved structural structure in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 10, 2020 No. 367 on the establishment of the research Institute “neighbourhood and family” under the Ministry for support of mahalla and family of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In its activity the Department is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the Collegium of the Ministry for the support of the local community and family of the Republic of Uzbekistan, orders and directives of the Director and of the scientific Council of the research Institute “mahalla and family”, as well as regulations and other legislative acts.

Main tasks and functions of the Department:

  • implementation of cooperation with educational and research institutions of the Republic in the direction of strengthening the Institute of mahalla and family, development of international relations with leading research institutions of foreign countries;
  • organization of the study and use of foreign experience in conducting fundamental, practical and innovative research to strengthen the institution of mahalla and family and find solutions to problems arising in the field of;
  • raising awareness of the international community about the achievements, experience and activities of the Institute, including ongoing research in the field of strengthening the mahalla and the family in the country.

Functions of the Department:

  • together with higher educational institutions, research institutions, business associations and other interested organizations, as well as non-governmental non-profit organizations, it implements measures aimed at introducing innovations in the field of mahalla and family support;
  • together with interested ministries, departments, economic associations, higher educational institutions and other scientific institutions of the system of ministries and departments, it organizes fundamental, practical and innovative research work in the field of mahalla and family support;
  • signs agreements, agreements and memoranda on the development of international and foreign cooperation on the exchange of experience and training of employees, scientific conferences, seminars, research, projects in areas related to the main tasks and functions of the Institute;
  • studies the activities of local and foreign organizations, institutions, departments that are active or have areas in the field of preserving family values, strengthening the family and the family, and creates a database about them;
  • together with research and educational institutions, it participates in the organization and conduct of fundamental, applied and innovative research;
  • organizes internships and master classes at the Institute, including with the involvement of foreign specialists;
  • in organizing “summer and winter schools”, scientific reports and “discussion platforms”on topical issues, the Institute of mahalla and family attracts foreign experts and organizes sending representatives of the scientific community of the Republic, in particular young people to foreign countries.
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