Department of Strengthening the Mahalla Institute

02:14 - 5 July 1001

The Department of strengthening the mahalla Institute is part of the Research Institute “Family and mahalla”, established in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 367 on the establishment of the Research Institute “Mahalla ve ailə” under the Ministry of mahalla and family support of the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 10, 2020. The main purpose of the department is to develop and apply the scientific-theoretical and methodical bases of strengthening the mahalla Institute in the Republic based on the tasks assigned to the Institute. The priority scientific directions of the Department of strengthening the mahalla Institute are:

  • Develop concession projects aimed at strengthening and developing mahalla and family institutions, as well as prepare scientific-based proposals for projects of integrated, targeted, sectoral and regional programs;
  • Development of methodological recommendations on the results of research on family and marriage, reproductive health, as well as a healthy lifestyle in families, spiritual and moral education, economic, legal knowledge, enhancement of medical culture, psychology of family relations to the self-governing bodies of citizens and the general public;
  • In order to ensure effective implementation of the state policy on the support of women, timely scientific and theoretical identification of the problems of women and girls, the creation of scientific bases for providing social, legal, psychological and material assistance to women and women with disabilities, including women with disabilities, families in need of assistance and on this basis, development of scientific and practical;
  • Scientific study of the knowledge and rich life experience of the senior age people in the mahalla, their use in raising the spirituality of young people, strengthening the spirit of patriotism;
  • Creation of its national model on the basis of foreign scientific experience and practice of providing legal, methodological and practical assistance in the provision of social support to single elderly, socially vulnerable and low-income families, development of proposals and recommendations for the introduction of the national model.
  • Organization of scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, meetings dedicated to the actual scientific problems in the field of mahallaand family support, training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field, constantly increasing the professional level of scientific workers.

The main tasks of the Department of strengthening the mahalla Institute are as follows:

  • Formation of scientific and methodological bases of development of conceptions, targeted, sectoral and regional programs aimed at strengthening mahalla and family institutions, supporting women and the elderly, increasing social activity;
  • Develop conceptions projects aimed at strengthening and developing mahalla and family institutions, as well as prepare scientific-based proposals for projects of integrated, targeted , sectoral and regional programs;
  • Direct participation in the development of legislation on the activities of self-governing bodies of citizens, public structures in them;
  • Conducts research and methodological recommendations on the transformation of the mahalla institute into a true colleague and supporter of the population, increasing its role and importance;
  • Preparation of proposals and recommendations for establishing close cooperation of citizens with self-governing bodies in the improvement of the socio-spiritual environment in families and mahalla;
  • To enhance the role and role of citizens ' self-government bodies in the society, to work with the everyday problems of the population and to raise their position in the implementation of effective public control;
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