Department of "Prosperous and safe mahalla"

01:54 - 5 July 1672

The Department of "prosperous and safe neighborhood “was established in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 367 on the establishment of the Research Institute” neighborhood and family" under the Ministry of neighborhood and family support of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The department is a structural subdivision of this institute and conducts fundamental, scientific-practical and innovative research in the field of strengthening family values and Family Psychology in its activities.

The main purpose of the department is to carry out scientific research on implementation of priority strategic and social objectives of the state policy on neighborhood and family support, priority directions of the concept of the Ministry of neighborhood and family support of the Republic of Uzbekistan “prosperous and safe neighborhood” for 2020-2024;

Development of scientific-based proposals on the main criteria of the principle of” prosperous and safe neighborhood", as well as on the theme of full and effective implementation of the system based on them in the activities of self-government bodies of citizens, preparation of analytical materials on improving the practice of law in this regard;

To carry out research work on the improvement of the system of cooperation on the principle of “neighborhood-sector-people's reception-neighborhood” on the identification and solution of population problems in the neighborhoods (MFY) and on this basis to develop analytical materials, scientifically-based recommendations and recommend them to the ministry for implementation in practice;

Scientific study of the system of working with troubled and disadvantaged families, families in need of social assistance, profilactic calculation and citizens in the internal list of the central registry office, preparation of analytical materials, development of recommendations;

To improve the system of protection against all internal and external negative influences belonging to various foreign ideas in the field of maintaining public order and ensuring the security of citizens, to form a crime-free environment, to study the problems of working with persons under administrative control and to develop scientific-based recommendations for relevant ministries, state and non-governmental organizations;

The principle of "prosperous and safe neighborhood" is an expression from the organization of scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, meetings devoted to the actual scientific problems in the field of neighborhood and family support, preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel in this field, introduction to life of the idea of constantly increasing the professional level of scientific workers, in particular strengthening family values and

The main priorities and functions of the department are as follows:

Provides scientific and methodological recommendations in the field of full and effective implementation of the principle of” prosperous and safe neighborhood", healthy socio-spiritual environment in families and neighborhoods;

The principle of "prosperous and safe neighborhood" provides recommendations for the organization of scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, meetings devoted to the actual scientific problems in the field of neighborhood and family support, training of highly qualified scientific personnel in this field, constant improvement of the professional level of scientific workers;

advisor to the chairman of the Citizens ' Assembly on youth issues

methodological assistance in organizing and coordinating the activities of patrol groups and” selfless youth " public;

in the organization and coordination of the activities of regional administrations “prosperous and safe neighborhood” methodically contributes to the activities of the district (city) departments, as well as citizens ' gatherings;

scientific and methodological assistance in the development and effective implementation of programs aimed at full implementation of the principle of "prosperous and safe neighborhood" in the society;

Scientific and methodological assistance in the development of the main criteria, directions of the concept of” safe neighborhood";

prepares information and analytical materials, comments and recommendations on the issues of improving the profile of offenses in the neighborhoods, develops scientific methodology and other materials for the effective organization of the work of regional offices and departments;

plans for the future and introduction of activities aimed at eliminating the causes of the occurrence of violations and the conditions that allow them, including those that are carried out in conjunction with other state bodies and organizations, civil society institutions;

in close cooperation with the self-governing bodies of citizens, analyzes and determines the causes and conditions of factors negatively affecting the socio-spiritual environment in families and neighborhoods, develops measures aimed at eliminating and scientific methodological recommendations;

analyzes and evaluates the monitoring of profilactic work carried out with individuals who are prone to committing violations and are under the influence of alien ideas, develops proposals and recommendations on the results;

provides scientific and methodological recommendations in the development of programs related to the profiling of offenses;

prepares scientific and methodological recommendations and articles in the framework of the profile of offenses, other departments of the internal affairs bodies on the issues of increasing the legal culture of citizens, especially minors and young people, conducting legal propaganda work, interaction of state bodies, organizations, citizens with self-government bodies, mass media;

participates in meetings aimed at studying the existing problems of the population and determining the optimal ways to solve them, and makes recommendations on how to effectively eliminate the problems ;

citizens, especially among minors and young people, are involved in explanatory work, which is carried out on the issues of compliance with the requirements of legislation, profiling offenses, maintaining public order and ensuring public safety.

together with the advisor on youth issues of the chairman of the assembly of citizens, scientific methodological assistance is provided in the field of working with young people, including their unorganized part, ensuring employment, carrying out profiling of offenses among young people;

"Selfless youth" assists in scientific methodological Organization of activities of public patrol groups and other public structures involved in ensuring public safety;

The department can also carry out other tasks and functions within its competence.

The department carries out cooperation with educational and research institutions, state and non-governmental organizations of the Republic in the areas of its activities, establish international relations with advanced research institutions of foreign countries, ensure their permanent and regular existence and development of relations;

Broad coverage of the results of scientific research in the media, including television, radio and Internet world Information Network, popularization of scientific views and approaches, new innovat

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